The students of the Department have co-authored research papers published in high impact factor journals of international repute, and presented their work in national and international conferences.
1. M.K. Harishankar, S. Logeshwaran, S. Sujeevan, K.N. Aruljothi, M.A. Dannie, A. Devi (2015) Genotoxicity evaluation of metformin and glimepiride by micronucleus assay in exfoliated urothelial cells of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Food and Chemical Toxicology 83, 146–150.
2. M. K. Harishankar, C. Sasikala and M. Ramya: Efficiency of the intestinal bacteria in the degradation of the toxic pesticide, chlorpyrifos. 3 Biotech, Online First™, 31 July 2012
3. Purushothaman Natarajan, Kanagasabapathy D, Gunadayalan G, Panchalingam J, Shree N, Sugantham PA, Singh KK, Madasamy P: Gene discovery from Jatropha curcas by sequencing of ESTs from normalized and full-length enriched cDNA library from developing seeds. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:606.
4. Ramya M, Iyappan S, Manju A, Jiffe JS (2010) Biodegradation and Decolorization of Acid Red by Acinetobacter radioresistens. J Bioremed Biodegrad1:105. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000105
5. Devadas Samyukthaa, Rathinasabapathi .P (2013) On Field Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) infected Shrimp using Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification. Research Journal of Biotechnology 8:6, 13-17.
6. Manoj Kumar Narasimhan, Shenoy K Pavithra, Vishnupriya Krishnan, Muthukumaran Chandrasekaran (2013) In vitro Analysis of Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Activity of Enteromorpha antenna, Enteromorpha linza and Gracilaria corticata Extracts. Jundishapur J Nat Pharm Prod. 8:4, 151-9.
7. Radha S, Aliya Fatima, Iyyappan S, Ramya M, (2013) Direct colony PCR for rapid identification of varied microalgae from fresh water environment, Journal of Applied Phycology 2, 609-613. Impact Factor 2.414
4. Ramya M, Iyappan S, Manju A, Jiffe JS (2010) Biodegradation and Decolorization of Acid Red by Acinetobacter radioresistens. J Bioremed Biodegrad1:105. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000105
5. Devadas Samyukthaa, Rathinasabapathi .P (2013) On Field Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) infected Shrimp using Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification. Research Journal of Biotechnology 8:6, 13-17.
6. Manoj Kumar Narasimhan, Shenoy K Pavithra, Vishnupriya Krishnan, Muthukumaran Chandrasekaran (2013) In vitro Analysis of Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Activity of Enteromorpha antenna, Enteromorpha linza and Gracilaria corticata Extracts. Jundishapur J Nat Pharm Prod. 8:4, 151-9.
7. Radha S, Aliya Fatima, Iyyappan S, Ramya M, (2013) Direct colony PCR for rapid identification of varied microalgae from fresh water environment, Journal of Applied Phycology 2, 609-613. Impact Factor 2.414
Rathinasabapathi P, Purushothaman N,
Ramprasad VL, Parani M. (2015) Whole genome sequencing and analysis of
Swarna, a widely cultivated indica rice variety with low glycemic index. Nature
Scientific Reports. 5: 11303; DOI: 10.1038/srep11303 . (Impact factor 5.7)
Rathinasabapathi. P,
Deepak S Hiremath, Rex Arunraj and Parani. M. (2015) Molecular detection
of New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase-1 (NDM-1) positive bacteria from
environmental and drinking water samples by Loop mediated Isothermal
Amplification of blaNDM-1. Indian Journal of Microbiology.
DOI 10.1007/s12088-015-0540-x
Vassoua SL, Kusuma G, Parani M (2015) DNA
barcoding for species identification from dried and powdered plant parts: A
case study with authentication of the raw drug market samples of Sida
cordifolia. Gene. DOI:10.1016/j.gene.2015.01.025
Gayathri Devi S, Aliya Fathima A, Radha
S, Rex Arunraj, Wayne R.
Curtis, Ramya M (2015) A rapid
and economical method for efficient DNA extraction from diverse soils suitable
for metagenomic applications, Plos One,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132441. Impact
Factor 3.2
Gayathri Devi and M Ramya (2015)
PCR- RFLP based Bacterial Diversity Analysis of a Municipal Sewage Treatment
Plant. Journal of Environmental Biology, Impact Factor 0.7 Accepted In press
Trevor R Zuroff, Andrew
C Tolonen, Mohandass Ramya, Wayne R
Curtis (2015) Physiology, genomics, and pathway engineering of an ethanol
tolerant strain of Clostridium
phytofermentans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology . Accepted manuscript posted online 5 June 2015, doi:10.1128/AEM.00619-15
, Impact factor 3.9
Harishankar, S. Logeshwaran, S. Sujeevan, K.N. Aruljothi, M.A. Dannie, A.
Devi (2015) Genotoxicity evaluation of metformin
and glimepiride by micronucleus assay in exfoliated urothelial cells of type 2
diabetes mellitus patients. Food and Chemical
Toxicology 83, 146–150.
Nagarajan ArulJothi , Devi Arikketh , Melvin George, S.Elangovan , R.A Whitall , S.E
Humphries (2014), Effect of novel intronic
mutation c.694+8_694+18del in LDLR gene in the pathogenicity of FH, Indian
Journal of Human Genetics.
Rohit Y. Sathe, Seema A. Kulkarni, Raja Natesan Sella, Thirumurthy Madhavan (2015 ) Computational
identiļ¬cation of JAK2 inhibitors: a combined pharmacophore mapping and
molecular docking approach. Medicinal Chemistry Research 24,1449–146.
B. Usha, Devivasha B and
Ajay Parida (2015) Diverse expression of sucrose transporters in Zea mays Journal of Genetics, 94:1, 151-154.
SK Sharma, PV Kumar, AS Geetanjali, KB Pun, VK Baranwal (2015) Subpopulation level variation of banana streak viruses in
India and common evolution of banana and sugarcane badnaviruses Virus genes
Nithaniyal S, Newmaster
SG, Ragupathy S, Krishnamoorthy D, Sophie LV, Parani M (2014) DNA
Barcode Authentication of Wood Samples of Threatened and Commercial Timber
Trees within the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest of India. PLoS ONE 9(9):
Nagasathiya K, Brinda C, Parani
M, Vairamani M (2014) Artifacts from methanol stored in borosilicate glass
bottle during electrospray ionization mass spectral analysis. Rapid
Communications in Mass Spectrometry 28:20, 2227-30.
N, Newmaster SG, Ragupathy S, Stalin N, Suresh D, Arunraj DR, Gnanasekaran G, Vassou SL, Narasimhan D, Parani
M (2014) A tiered barcode authentication tool to differentiate medicinal
Cassia species in India. Genetic and Molecular Research 13(2): 2959-68.
Purushothaman N,
Parani M (2014) First complete genome sequence of a probiotic
Enterococcus faecium strain T-110 and its comparative genome analysis with
pathogenic and non-pathogenic Enterococcus faecium genomes. Journal of Genetics
and Genomics 42 :1, 43-46. (Impact factor 3.0)
A, Parida D, Muralidharan A. Ramya
M (2014 )Bioelectricity generation by proton exchange membrane-based
microbial fuel cell from sewage substrate, Current Science
29: 106 (01).
Mary Sanitha, Radha S, Aliya Fathima
A, Gayathri Devi S and Ramya M (2014)
Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Three Freshwater Microalgal Strains.
Polish Journal of Microbiology,63(4):387-392.
Arunraj, Bindu Sree, Parani (2014) Desiccation and
topping induced silencing of putrescine N-methyl transferase2 regulate nicotine
biosynthesis in Nicotiana tabacum cv. Petite Havana. Australian journal
of crop science 8:1),109-118.
Anitha. C, Sujatha.K, Rajnish. N, Santosh. A, Padma Krishnan, Senthilkumar.S, Vincent.S, Sivasankari.S,
Gunasekaran. P, Rajasekharan. S, Pushpakala. M (2014) Molecular
Characterization of Pseudomonas sp. isolated from lower respiratory tract
infection in HIV and non HIV population by 16S rDNA and ARDRA,BMC Infectious Diseases, 17.
M.Suganthi, P.
Senthilkumar, S.Arvinth, R. Raj Kumar and K.N.Chandrashekara (2014) RAPD
and SCAR Marker Linked to Tea-Mosquito Resistance in Tea. Journal of Crop
Improvement. 28:6, 795-803.
Palanisamy and Mandal Abul kalam Azad (2014) Susceptibility against grey blight disease
causing fungus Pestalotipsis sp. In tea (Camellia sinensis (L). O.Kunteze
cultivars is influenced by anti oxidative enzymes. Applied Biochemistry and
Biotechnology. 172:1, 216-223
SK Sharma, PV Kumar, R Poswal, R Rai, AS Geetanjali, K Prabha, RK Jain, VK
Baranwal (2014) Occurrence and distribution of banana streak disease and
standardization of a reliable detection procedure for routine indexing of
banana streak viruses in India,Scientia
Horticulturae 179, 277-283.
J.Megala & A. Geetha (2014)
Effect of Pithecellobium dulce on cysteamine induced duodenal ulcer in rats,(2014)Indian
Journal of Experimental Biology ,Accepted, In Press .
Deepa K, Rodionov RN,
Weiss N, Parani M (2013) Transgenic expression and functional
characterization of human platelet derived growth factor BB (hPDGF-BB) in
tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 171:6,1390-404
Liu D, Liu L, Guo G, Wang
W, Sun Q, Parani M, Ma J (2013) BOLDMirror: a global mirror system of
DNA barcode data. Molecular Ecology Resources 13:6, 991-5.
Radha S, Aliya
Fatima, Iyyappan S, Ramya M,
(2013) Direct colony PCR for rapid identification of varied microalgae from
fresh water environment, Journal of Applied Phycology 2, 609-613.
Impact Factor 2.414
Hong, E., Santhakumar,
K., Akitake, C.M., Ahn, S.J., Thisse, C., Thisse, B., Wyart, C., Mangin,
J-M. and M.E. Halpern , 2013 Cholinergic left-right asymmetry in the
habenulo-interpeduncular pathway.
Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA 110, 21171-6.
Kumar Narasimhan, Shenoy K Pavithra, Vishnupriya
Krishnan, Muthukumaran Chandrasekaran (2013) In vitro Analysis of Antioxidant,
Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Activity of Enteromorpha antenna,
Enteromorpha linza and Gracilaria corticata Extracts. Jundishapur J Nat Pharm
Prod. 8:4, 151-9.