Walk-in Tissue Culture & Transgenic Plant Facility
The Walk-in
Tissue Culture and Transgenic Plant Facility at the Department of Genetic
Engineering was fabricated by our own engineers with funding from Central
Council for Research in Ayuveda and Siddha of the Department of AYUSH under the
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. As the name suggests, unlike the plant growth chamber this facility is much bigger that you can walk
inside the chamber and observe your culture and plants growing in vitro under extremely sterile and
controlled conditions.
Tissue Culture and Transgenic Plant Facility enables the researcher
to maintain controlled growing conditions of temperature or temperature and
humidity in a 24 hour period with independent selection of photoperiods. A full
range of "day/night" cycles with "dawn/dusk" effects can be
programmed. It allows the researcher access to most world climatic conditions
while eliminating the variability found in nature.
Growing Area 100 m2
Minimum Temperature
(Lights on) 15°C
Minimum Temperature (Lights
off) 10°C
Humidity Range (Lights
on) 55
to 80%
Humidity Range (Lights off) 60
to 90%