4 years of Journey in the Department of Genetic Engineering.
It was the month of August, 2008; I first stepped in the Dept. of Genetic Engineering, SRM University, as a completely unknown soul. It was very exciting as I knew I would be learning lot here, but also nervous since I had entered a completely unknown atmosphere. Days, months and years passed on making me experience many things that gave me courage and motivation all the times. I also had many failures most of the times, but, I never gave up but moved on ahead.
In the final year of Genetic Engineering, I received the Best Poster Award in my project so today I want to share certain things not only to my Juniors, but also to whomsoever is reading this blog. First of all, one should realize not everyone gets into this field, so if they are studying Genetic Engg, they are really very lucky, since as a Genetic engineer, you will be working with “the most precious things, with what You, I & all living organisms are made- the DNA & GENES”. One should always try to respect Science and work for it, NOT just to work for Degree or Grades. We, Genetic engineers should keep in mind that we are not only working for ourselves, but we are working for Humanity.
My work was on “Screening for 35delG and W77X mutations in the GJB2 gene causing Non Syndromic Hearing Loss among the deaf population of Gujarat.” I was working in the Genomics Lab under the guidance of Mrs S. Rekha, Teaching Associate and Dr. M. Parani, Head of the Department. I must say that I have learnt a lot from both of them. Rekha mam ameliorated my knowledge of Human Genetics, whereas Parani sir always helped me in my practical works. He was the only person to help me in getting perfect skills in my work. I express my true gratitude to all other staffs of Genetic Engineering and also to other members of the Genomics Lab, who helped and encouraged me all the time in my work.
Genetic engineering is a very interesting field of Science, which needs Innovation to discover or invent new techniques to edify this technology. I am inspired by three eminent personalities who have given me a new approach towards this field, Gregor Mendel, Charles Darwin and Rita L Montalcini. Mendel and Darwin never went to world’s leading laboratories, instead they studied science in their homes and worked in small fields outside their houses, and their discoveries developed subjects like Genetics and Evolution which we are studying today. Rita Montalcini was never able to go to labs due to World War II, so she developed a small lab in her house with a small microscope and other stuff, and was the first person to isolate ‘nerves from chick embryos.’ She is the first living Nobel Laureate, aged 102. There is a lot of inspiration from them, still there are lot more people whose life stories are much more interesting. The true interest in your field will only come if we read them. Friends, my main motive from these is to say that it is not necessary that to achieve knowledge and good lab experience, we have to go to world’s best labs, instead why not make the lab in which you are working now as “the best lab”?
Genetic engineering is still in developing phase in India, so we should think that we are lucky enough to study this field from under graduate level itself. It is now our responsibility to develop it more, not for ourselves, but to enhance Science and for the welfare of Mankind......
“May you all soar high in your career.”
-Parth Joshi D
B-Tech Genetic Engineering