The total number of prokaryotic cells on earth has been estimated to be approximately 4–6×1036, with the majority of these being uncharacterized. This diversity represents a vast genetic bounty that may be exploited for the discovery of novel genes, entire metabolic pathways and potentially valuable end-products thereof. Metagenomics constitutes the functional and sequence based analysis of the collective microbial genomes (micro biome) in a particular environment or environmental niche. Phylogenetic surveys of soil ecosystems have shown that the number of prokaryotic species found in a single sample exceeds that of known cultured prokaryotes. Soil metagenomics, which comprises isolation of soil DNA and the production and screening of clone libraries, can provide a cultivation-independent assessment of the largely untapped genetic reservoir of soil microbial communities. This approach has already led to the identification of novel biomolecules. However, owing to the complexity and heterogeneity of the biotic and abiotic components of soil ecosystems, the construction and screening of soil-based libraries is difficult and challenging. This report describes how to construct complex libraries from soil samples, and how to use these libraries to unravel functions of soil microbial communities.
Name: Thushara vijayakumar M.Tech II Year
Reg.No: 1741110011
Guide Name: Dr. N.S.Raja
Date: 25.09.12
Time: 2.30 PM
Venue: 701(B)