Hands-on-training on Recombinant DNA Technology' targets the school teachers in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The program's main objective is to provide hands-on training to teachers who handle standard XI and XII on Recombinant DNA technology. Tamil Nadu state education board contains Biotechnology and Recombinant DNA syllabus for standard XI and XII. The teacher training program on the technique will provide understanding among the teachers of the technique, principle and the outcome so that they will be in a better position to disseminate the obtained knowledge to the students.
Venue : B507, Bio-Engineering
Number of participants : 20 (first-come-first basis)
Registration fee : INR. 500 (Payment details will be provided to registered candidates)
(Working lunch and certificate included)
Registration link : https://forms.gle/hYMnesQZDGLjovuV7
Registration deadline : 1st July 2022
Event organizer : Dr. D. Rex Arunraj/Dr. S. Iyappan
Associate Professor, Genetic Engineering
For details: rexarund@srmist.edu.in, iyappans@srmist.edu.in, 9444025651, 9840418289