Research ethics involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to a variety of topics involving scientific research. With human genetic technologies now an important area of European research and development, bioethics is becoming increasingly important in its regulation and future. As regulatory decisions are also statements about who should get what, bioethics cannot avoid political controversy. Bioethics is the study of typically controversial ethics brought about by advances in biology and medicine. It is also moral discernment as it relates to medical policy, practice, and research. The scientific research enterprise is built on a foundation of trust. Scientists trust that the results reported by others are valid. There are many ethical issues to be taken into serious consideration for research. Biologists need to be aware of having the responsibility to secure the actual permission and interests of all those involved in the study. It is the researcher’s ethical responsibility to not harm the humans or animals they are studying; they also have a responsibility to science, the public as well as to future students
Name of the Student: Joshi Parth D
Reg No:1741210058
Batch: M.Tech II Year
Name of the Guide: Dr. Raja N S