Credit Seminar on Fruitfly: An Effective Model for Understanding Human Diseases

The Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful model organism which has opened new avenues in the field of genetics and developmental Biology. Its small size, short life cycle (10-14 days) at 250C, high reproductive rate are the main reasons for its extensive contribution. Understanding the developmental genetics of this organism involves knowledge about various genes that play critical role in the development and differentiation of the organism. These developmental studies on Drosophila melanogaster help in analyzing the function of human disease genes, including those for neurological disorders, cancer, cardiovascular disease, genes for the function of visual, auditory and immune system and in future it will aid in the analysis of complex multigenic disorders. Model animals are utilized for experimental medical science as simulation systems. Drosophila melanogaster is a model animal whose genome have been well characterized. Several mutant lines are available.35 novel human genes, which have Drosophila arthologues have been implicated in segment polarity and planar cell polarity. In 2003, huge amounts of data concerning genome sequences, Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), and uncharacterized so-called full-length cDNA have been deposited in public database. Applied bioinformatics tools are used for the hunting of human genes homologous to Drosophila genes with interesting phenotypes. Alzheimer Disease is a well known neurological disorder which would arise in late forties. It is a kind of Dementia. Main symptom is memory loss .If untreated lead to Death. Studying such a complicated disease in Human model is highly challenging. Hence fruitfly serves as a perfect model in studying this disease.

Name of the Student: Jayalakshmi D
Reg No: 1741210048
Batch : M.Tech II Year
Name of the Guide: Dr. Kiran kumar