DIVYA.M.S¹ ,Dr.Raja.N.S.²
¹Student,Department of Genetic Engineering,School of Bioengineering, Kattankulathur,603-203 TAMIL Nadu,India.
²Assistant Professor,Department of Genetic Engineering,School of Bioengineering, Kattankulathur,603-203 Tamil Nadu,India.
Key words: Bio-active small molecules, Target identification, Affinity isolation, MS, Chemical proteomics.
M.Tech/2nd yr
Venue : 501B
Date : 30.07.2014
Department of Genetic Engineering
SRM University
¹Student,Department of Genetic Engineering,School of Bioengineering, Kattankulathur,603-203 TAMIL Nadu,India.
²Assistant Professor,Department of Genetic Engineering,School of Bioengineering, Kattankulathur,603-203 Tamil Nadu,India.
Identification and confirmation of bioactive small-molecule targets is a crucial, step in proteomic profiling .Through the development and availability of several techniques, target identification is, in principle and feasible. Herein we summarize current methods available for target identification of small molecules. We describe the most frequently employed experimental approaches for target identification. Among the techniques currently available, protein affinity isolation using suitable small-molecule probes and subsequent mass spectrometric analysis of the isolated proteins is the most powerful and most frequently applied technique. These kind of studies helps in analysing the function and create networks of the target with respect to bio-active small molecule in the system studied on,with the application of chemical proteomics as the key step in profiling.
Key words: Bio-active small molecules, Target identification, Affinity isolation, MS, Chemical proteomics.
M.Tech/2nd yr
Venue : 501B
Date : 30.07.2014
Department of Genetic Engineering
SRM University