A Loop mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP) technique has been used as a novel nucleic acid detection method , where by the target DNA can be amplified with high specificity and sensitivity under an isothermal condition using a set of four specific primers. A modified LAMP method which we use recently is Multiplex LAMP(mLAMP) method where we can use 8 primers. Principle behind this LAMP method is such that a set of four specially designed primers that recognize a total of six distinct sequences on the target DNA . An inner primer containing sequences of the sense and anti sense strand of the target DNA intiates LAMP. In the initial step of the LAMP reaction all four primers are used , but later during cycling reaction only the inner primer (FIP,BIP) are used for strand displacement DNA synthesis. The cycling reaction continues with accumulation of 109 copies of target in less than one hour . Here I discuss about the work done by the researcher on parasites organisms Babesia bovis and B.bigemina ,it code for a protein called rhoptry-associated protein-1 gene.This method is to distinguish between two species by restriction enzyme analysis. And it is being widely studied for detecting infectious diseases such as tuberculosis , malaria and sleeping sickness.
Name of the Student : T.Kanimozhi
Reg No: 1741210021
Batch: M.Tech II Year
Name of the Guide : Mr.P.Rathinasabapathi